Customer Testimonials

Your technicians have always been very courteous and thorough. They take the time to explain what they are doing and answer all my questions (I had lots). They are a pleasure to work with. Thanks. P.S. Our lawn looks amazing!!! The best on the block – we didn’t know it was possible.
– Mrs. Beane


Our thanks to the entire staff of CLS for another year of first-class, professional service.
– The Stephens


Always a pleasure speaking with your staff – they are willing to answer questions as they arise. Our yard is the envy of the neighborhood because CLS has conditioned it over the years. Thank you for another beautiful growing year!
– The Byrnes


Thanks for the great job and the courteous attitude.
– Ms. Hunter


The crew who worked on my lawn did an exceptionally great job. Our neighbors have complimented us on how good our lawn looks!
– Mrs. Morse


We always recommend you. You are reliable, efficient, pleasant, knowledgeable – we could go on and on! Thank you for your service. We have never had a negative experience over the many years!
– Dr. Callahan